Date and Time
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
What is the Reality Check?
It is an active, hands-on, real-life simulation, which gives young people the opportunity to explore career opportunities and make lifestyle and budget choices similar to those adults face on a daily basis.
Participants assume that they are 25 years old and have completed the basic educational requirements for their specific occupation and a basic salary of $35,000 annually.
Participants are given the opportunity to earn more income through a Job Performance Employee Bonus (GPA) and signing up for Part-Time Jobs or enlisting in the Military.
Who are the intended participants for the Reality Check?
The intended participants for the Reality Check are 7th graders from all Franklin County Schools, both public and private. The intent of the Reality Check can affect a student's goals and plans for their future and give them a sense of practicality in navigating real-life expenses.
Who works in the Reality Check?
Local community businesspeople and leaders volunteer their time and resources for the Reality Check. Each booth will have volunteers to develop the needed information regarding each specific booth.
How does Reality Check work & why?
At the Reality Check, students are allowed to choose an occupation based on interest and every occupation listed will have the same basic salary starting point, however, students will have the opportunity to earn more money at the Employee Bonus Booth which incentivizes good grades. The students will then go into the Reality Check where they will need to spend their salary on the necessities and luxuries they envision as part of the adult lifestyle. Students will also visit the Crystal Ball Booth to pull out a “chance” card. “Chance” cards are those unexpected items that affect their life daily. If for some reason students find themselves in real financial trouble, there will be help at the help table to guide them into rethinking financial choices or signing up for a part-time job.
The goal of this exercise is to help students learn the practicality of real-life expenses and the importance for them to set goals for career paths within their interest to achieve their desired lifestyles, while also helping them realize most people at 25 years of age will typically start with a basic professional entry-level salary but hard work will allow them to climb the leadership ladder – career goals don’t stop at 25 years of age.
Kentucky State University
William Exum Center GYM
101 University Drive